As a valued client we would be pleased to receive your feedback and we would welcome your opinion on how we performed in relation to your expectations. Please take a few minutes to complete the questionnaire below.

Please tick appropriate box


Site Address (required)

Our Reference

1. How satisfied were you with our overall service we provided to you?

2. How successful were we in being helpful and responsive to your needs?

3. How successful were we in applying the Building Regulations professionally?

4. How satisfied were you with the level of site inspection we carried out?

5. How satisfied were you at the ease of contacting us?

6. How satisfied were you with the information you received from us?

7. Would you choose to appoint us again?

8. Would you consider it beneficial to arrange a meeting or discuss our future working relationship/ partnerships?

9. How do you rate our service in comparison with other Building Control Providers you may have used (comments appreciated)

10. Is there a particular team or member of staff that has provided exceptional level of service and why?

Name & address details are optional, however, if you would like to be contacted regarding your specific comments please complete the section below:


First name:






Email address: